Physical Education and Sports are an integral part of student life at RGS Vietnam.
We run a very extensive Extra-Curricular Sports Programme which offers competitive and non-competitive activities for all children. There are currently more than 20 sports activities that are on offer throughout the school. These range from football, basketball, and badminton to swimming, ultimate frisbee, and softball.
RGS Vietnam also has a large number of teams and clubs in the major sports (football, basketball, swimming and volleyball), which participate in interscholastic athletics as a member of the Hanoi Activities Conference (HAC).
We are very proud of our success in inter-school competitions as well as our participation in a wide range of local and international tournaments. This ensures student opportunity and increases the chance for many of our students to engage and challenge themselves. The major highlights of our year involve taking part in the Singapore International Triathlon, one of the biggest student sporting events in Asia, the HAC games, our cross country and the swimming gala.