As a grammar school, we place considerable emphasis on acquiring good work habits in the early years.
All pupils are set homework each weekday evening, starting with about one hour of work in the Preparatory School and increasing thereafter. Pupils learn self-discipline and the skills of independent study, so that they are equipped not only for the public examinations that come later, but also for the world beyond.
The curriculum is broad. All students in the Preparatory and Secondary study a wide range of subjects, designed to keep their options open for as long as possible.
There is plenty of opportunity to explore creative opportunities both within the curriculum in music, technology, art, sport etc and through the wide range of lunchtime and after-school clubs available.
During their time in the Secondary School, students will begin to make decisions about their IGCSE choices with guidance from their teachers, tutors and Head of Secondary.
A key feature of the Secondary School is the flexibility of subject choice available for IGCSE courses. Each student will study English Language, Mathematics, Science and another language, the students will then have a free choice for their other options – many will choose to continue studying a humanity and an art, for example. Similarly, if a student particularly enjoys computing and technology they are able to choose both Computer Science and ICT. This flexibility extends beyond the choice of individual subjects