Student Information
Bus service is provided by an outside service provider. Students will travel on either 16-seated buses or 29-seated buses.
There is 01 bus driver along with 01 bus monitor to supervise students along the bus.
If the student will be absent or will not take the bus, the parent is required to provide a 24-hour notice to the Registrar Department and the bus monitor.
In the event of changing the home address, changing the pick-up point, or termination of bus usage, a 30-day written notice from parents to the Registrar is required.
There are 02 eating times daily at RGS Vietnam: Snack and Lunch. Snack is served at morning recess; Lunch is served at 12 pm for EYFS - Year 2 and for Year 3 to Year 7 and Sixth Form, or at 12.45 pm for Year3 - 6.
You can choose to have lunch for 05 working days or only on some specific days, or bring your own lunch. You can also choose to have only lunch, only snack, or a lunch/snack combo.
Special menu requests and food allergies must be informed to the Registrar when registering for lunch.
Students are required to wear uniforms from Monday to Friday. There are 3 types of uniforms including Classroom Uniform, PE Uniform & House Team Uniform.
Classroom Uniform for normal school day:
- EYFS - Year One: Polo shirts shirt & shorts
- Year 2 – Secondary: Formal shirt & long trousers/ skirt/ dress shorts
PE Uniform for PE lessons only
- White RGS Vietnam sports shirts & sports shorts
- RGSV swimming costumes/ trunks & school swimming cap
House Team Uniform for school inter-house events
- There are 04 different uniforms for our Houses: Phoenix, Dragon, Unicorn & Tiger
The school supplies some textbooks, paper and pencils, etc. for pupil use while at school. Please find a link below to the list of stationery that pupils must supply themselves for the school year:
- Secondary school stationery list
Generally, each pupil brings a backpack for carrying materials to and from school. Please keep in mind that these are "young backs", and the backpacks should not be so large as to encourage excessive weight.
Students must bring a laptop or a tablet from Year 4 upwards. From Year 7, it must be a laptop. The make of device a student wishes to bring is their choice, but RGSV is currently an Apple centre and we automatically have technical back-up for Apple users. We cannot guarantee the same level of technical support for non-Apple users.
Homework expectations differ from country to country and school to school. RGSV maintains the belief that homework is a valuable tool to help reinforce activities in the classroom and good study habits. However, parents should not expect that RGSV pupils will be completing pages of Mathematics sums or spelling words. Instead, we believe that homework should be a focused, purposeful activity that is a continuation of learning begun at school. Therefore, if assigned homework, the material will be related to work presented in the classroom.
It is important that completing homework, especially with older pupils, becomes a routine pupil responsibility. Parents can assist in the development of this important habit by helping their children establish a regular time and place each day for this task. It is also important to note that if your son/daughter is having difficulty with the work at home, you should not do the homework for your child, but should alert the teacher that they were unable to complete the assignment on their own. This will allow the teacher to review the material with your son/daughter.
Homework in the Early Years tends to focus on activities which engage children and their parents in everyday activities such as reading together, playing games, role-plays, and lively discussion. Homework in Years 1 and 2 consists of daily reading homework (taking home the book they read during their reading lesson and read at home for reinforcement) and occasional homework, related to the PYP's Unit of Inquiry, which is to be done at home, usually with the assistance of a parent. Homework expectations in Years 3-13 will become increasingly complex and parents should begin to see assignments related to class projects, greater expectations in reading and writing tasks, and a variety of subject areas being covered in assignments. In Secondary School, homework tasks are set on the Managebac platform. Important Diploma Programme (DP) assessment deadlines are also shared via an internal RGSV DP calendar for Year 12 and 13 pupils.