Extra-curricular Activities (ECAs)
It is the school’s desire to provide students with a varied and balanced selection of ECA that act to support RGS Vietnam curriculum.
Each year we offer over 50 different activities, taking place at lunchtimes, after school and on weekends. There are two sessions of ECAs, starting in early September and late January, giving students an opportunity to change their chosen activity.
These activities are wide-ranging and generally fall into one of five categories:
- Visual and Performing Arts – Ballet, Orchestra, Guitar, Drama, Water Colour painting, etc.
- Academic Pursuits – Student-led Science Club, World Scholars Cup, English Fluency Club, etc.
- Technology – Programming and Coding, 3D Art, Digital music, etc.
- Sports - Swimming, Basketball, Baseball, Football, Biathlon, Yoga, etc.
- Social/Cultural – Public Forum Debate, Stress management, Korean Culture and History, Nature Club
The list of ECA options will be given to you at the beginning of the school year and again in January by the homeroom teacher.

This week / Please read the newsletter for so many of the wonderful highlights this week for students at RGS Vietnam.

Apply Now / Admissions for 2024-2025 school year are open. Please click here for more information.
RGSV / Year 1 Curriculum Handbook
RGSV / Year 2 Curriculum Handbook
RGSV / Year 3 Curriculum Handbook
RGSV / Year 4 Curriculum Handbook
RGSV / Year 5 Curriculum Handbook
RGSV / Year 6 Curriculum Handbook
RGSV / Lower Secondary Subject Guide
RGSV / IGCSE Programme Subjects Guide
RGSV / A-Level Programme Subjects Guide
RGSV / IB DP Subjects Guide