Assisted Places
Assisted Places are intended to enable gifted children to attend the school irrespective of family income.
Assisted Places are only available to those who are successful in our entrance examination and interview, assistance is not guaranteed if a place is offered. We attempt to help as many families as possible, but funds are limited: awards will therefore be based on the child’s performance in the entrance examination and assessment of need required. Assistance towards the cost of school uniform, school meals and travel may also be available in cases of particular need. Parents’ income and assets will be assessed annually and all information will be treated in the strictest confidence. The exact amount of fee reduction will depend upon family circumstances. Parents are encouraged to contact the admissions team to discuss their individual circumstances, in complete confidence. For the higher levels of fee remission, the school reserves the right to visit parents at home or make other relevant enquiries to establish genuine levels of income.
A pupil may hold both a scholarship and an Assisted Place, but the total reduction cannot be more than 50 per cent of fees.
Assisted Place application and income assessment
On the application form there is an opportunity to register your interest in an Assisted Place. The earlier you express your interest the more likely it is that we will be able to assist, subject to the standard Assisted Place criteria. The application form, which will be made available via your online admissions portal, asks for details of your income, assets held (for example, a house), and outgoings (on mortgage, living expenses, dependant children or other relatives). The Director of Admissions may also ask for a meeting to discuss your needs, if he thinks you may be eligible for a school bursary.