Shadow Teaching Assistance
Purpose of the programme
At RGSV, ‘shadow teaching’ is a limited-service offered to the school and family to better manage the needs of students who have a learning difference/specific need.
A shadow teacher assistant (shadow TA) is an educational assistant who works directly with a single child to cater to his special needs, provides a progressive form of assistance that acts as a resource for the school. Having the intensive support from the shadow TA allows the child to attend a mainstream class while receiving the extra attention that he needs. In addition, the shadow TA helps provide the students with continuity in their classes, instils responsibility, fosters independence and encourages learning. Shadow TAs are extensively trained to help the student interact with others and to assist with the child's schoolwork.
The role of the Shadow TA
Benefits for the student:
The shadow TA supports the student that needs optimal learning in his/her school academics by assisting in the learning process, building self-confidence as well as promoting positive interaction in the classroom by helping the student focus on important concepts being explored, overall helping the student develop the required academic skills.
The role of the shadow teacher/assistant in the classroom is to help his/her student:
stay focused;
participate appropriately in class;
notify the teacher if he does not understand the material;
function in an environment where there are many distractions;
be positive in his/her approach to new tasks; help him/her to gain self-control of the task at hand.
improve communication by maintaining eye contact;
encouraging him/her to ask for help from his/her teachers;
prompting him/her to initiate discussions with his/her peers;
encouraging him/her to learn the interests of his/her classmates.
Every child is unique; therefore, the approach and teaching methods and techniques used by each shadow teacher/assistant with each specific student will differ.
Benefit for the parents: The parents benefit because they have daily communication with an adult who knows what is going on in school and what events are taking place.
Benefits for the school: The school benefits from the shadow teacher/assistant because there is a collaborative effort to meet the learning needs of the particular student.
Parents' responsibilities
Employment of the shadow TA
While the school may assist in the process of helping the parents find the right shadow teacher/assistant that is knowledgeable in the specific needs of the students, it is the responsibility of the parent(s) to employ the best shadow teacher/assistant for their child, with the approval of the school. Education, previous classroom experience and personality traits of the shadow teacher are part of the criteria that are considered by the school. The recommended shadow teacher will be knowledgeable in the specific needs of the child and able to support the child in an inclusive environment.
All costs related to the Shadow teacher (including salaries, insurance fees, taxes and other costs) are the Parents’ payment responsibilities.
In the event that the Shadow teacher causes damages, incurred costs or causes complaints against the School by a third party, the Parents are responsible for the compensation for all damages, loss, incurred costs, direct or indirect consequences against the School.
Terms & Conditions
In the event that parents wish to have a Shadow teacher to aid their children’s studies at the School, they are required to provide the School with the candidate’s CV and qualifications for the School to evaluate and decide, based on the necessity of a Shadow teacher for the student’s learning abilities. Additionally, the parents agree and commit to the following points:
The Shadow teacher will only perform necessary activities to aid the student’s learning and must not violate the School’s rules, regulations and policies; must not disturb other students; must not disturb the homeroom and specialist teacher’s teaching activities; must not disturb the organization and management of the School Board; must not disturb the management of students of the Principal’s Office.
Helps classroom teachers develop, plan, and implement appropriate curriculum and methods for the selected student
Assists classroom teachers in the development of the child’s individual goals and objectives.
Sets up and maintains an appropriate learning environment.
Attends and participates in required meetings.
Meets weekly with the classroom teacher for supervisory meetings.
Maintains accurate daily progress notes, data collection, attendance records and completes all paperwork in a timely manner.
Maintains discretion and confidentiality of child and family information at all times.
Alerts classroom teachers to any problems or social information about an individual child.
Assumes temporary responsibility for the learning environment in the absence of the classroom teacher.
Seeks professional growth through reading, attending workshops, seminars, conferences, and/or completing advanced course work.
Communicates professionally at all times with students, family members, consultants, Preparatory school personnel, referral sources, all other staff members and other providers.
Functions as a teacher or a shadow in inclusionary settings/ small group settings.
Performs such other appropriate and position-related duties and assumes such other responsibilities as the classroom teacher, Primary Years Program Coordinator and/or the Head of Preparatory may assign.
All costs related to the Shadow teacher (including salaries, insurance fees, taxes and other costs) are the Parents’ payment responsibilities.
Complies with all rules, regulations and procedures as outlined in the ISV Staff Handbook (including dress code, working hours, break time, day leave procedure, code of conduct, manner, communication within the School, safety procedure, security procedure within the School).
In the event that the Shadow teacher causes damages, incurred costs or causes complaints against the School by a third party, the Parents are responsible for the compensation for all damages, loss, incurred costs, direct or indirect consequences against the School.
The Shadow teacher must not use any information or document under the name of the International School of Vietnam in any form to impair the School’s activities.
All risks towards the Shadow teacher during the time aiding the student’s learning at the School (including Force Majeure events, accidents, personal health issues) are not the School’s responsibilities.
The Shadow teacher is responsible for the security of information of the School, must not reveal any confidential information (including but not limited to lesson plans, curricula, confidential documents, operation procedures and personal information of parents, students, teachers and staff) to any individual, company, association or organization under any circumstances.
The learning support period at ISV will automatically terminate based on the student’s study period mentioned on the Acceptance Letter to the parents and the student.
The School reserves the right to deny the admission of the Shadow teacher at any time if the Shadow teacher performs any activity not following the rules, regulations and policies of the School.
Read the Shadow TA brochure HERE
For more information of the Shadow TA programme, please read HERE