English as an Additional Language (E.A.L)
The language of instruction at RGSV is English. All students whose first language is not English are expected to commit to learning English as a means to participate fully in the programme at the school. RGSV-PYP does offer EAL support classes to those students who are not fluent in English. Please read the Year Level Admissions guidelines carefully with regard to entrance requirements.
Year Level Admission Guidelines
All parents and students will meet with either the Admissions Executive, the Head of School, the Head of Preparatory, and/or the PYP Coordinator as appropriate, on their visit to the school.
Please note that interviews and assessments are to ensure the school can make the best provision for each student by way of educational support if and as necessary. Class placements at RGSV is strictly in accordance with age-related criteria i.e. the cut off birthday date determining age and therefore year level group being 01 September. Formal Acceptance will be approved upon submission of all previous school assessments and records where applicable, e.g. medical forms, photos, passport copy, birth certificate copy, immunization records, copies of reports cards (where applicable), etc.
Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS) - Year One inclusive [Turning 4 – 6 years]
For students from EYFS to Year One, a mutually agreed arrangement for prospective students to spend 45 minutes to an hour, in their age level class will be made with parents. This arrangement is called a ‘sit in’. During this time, the student will be able to become familiar with his/her future peers and begin to make friends and learn some classroom procedures.
Year 2 inclusive [Turning 7 – 8 years]
Students will be assessed during his/her time in school and a report will be given to Head of Preparatory after this assessment. Students enrolling for Year 2 will sit an English proficiency test; however, this assessment may not impinge an entry unless the school cannot meet any special educational needs of the student.
Year 3 – 6 inclusive [Turning 8 – 11 years]
Students will be required to sit an English Language and Mathematics test and will be interviewed either by the the Primary Years Coordinator, the EAL Team and/or the Head of Preparatory. This assessment is for school records only; however, parents will be notified of the terms and conditions if support is required from the school. Again, this assessment may not impinge an entry unless the school cannot meet the special educational needs of the student.
Mother Tongue and Additional Language Learners
On admission, students identified as in need of additional support will be tracked weekly/fortnightly by the EAL teacher and the HR classroom teacher, followed by a half-termly evaluation meeting to assess the level of student progress and to determine if less, additional, or the same amount of support is needed for the coming term. Depending on the support programme required, parents are involved in some progress meetings to ensure support at home is consistent with that at school.
Diversity is something that is highly valued at RGSV and having support systems in place to meet the needs of our learners from non-English speaking countries is a school priority. However, if a student has been attending RGSV for two full academic years and is not progressing as expected, demonstrating an inability to access the curriculum adequately, then the parents of the students will be informed that there might be a limit to what RGSV can offer. At this point, other educational institutions may be identified for more suited tuition towards their child’s needs.
Preparatory EAL Policy - Please read HERE
Secondary EAL Policy - Please read HERE