We endeavor to provide an environment that is physically and emotionally safe for all our learners. If you have questions or comments about health and safety at RGS Vietnam, please contact the School Office at inquiry@reigategrammar.edu.vn
Security on Campus
At RGS Vietnam, we ensure security on our campus. As a part of this security, we ask parents and other visitors to be aware of the rules concerning people entering the campus.
Unless delivering or collecting children, all visitors should have an appointment to enter the campus. If a visitor does not have an appointment, we cannot guarantee the person they wish to meet is available.
All non-staff entering the campus must wear a visitor’s badge issued by the security staff. Visitors will sign in at the guard's booth before entering the school gates during the school day.
All guests to the campus should report to the Reception area, where they will be directed to the relevant sites of the school. Visitors should not look around the campus without a staff member accompanying them as all areas of the School are off-limits unless prior arrangements have been made.
If a parent wants to take a child out of school during the school day, they will be asked to wait at the Reception area while a staff member will collect the child from the classroom.
The above rules are relaxed when the School is hosting an event where parents and other adults are invited to enter the campus. When hosting such events, please be aware that there will be ‘off-limit areas’. These simple rules are typical of international schools worldwide and offer fair and sensible ways to protect children whilst they are on campus.
Evacuation Procedures
Fire notices are posted in all classrooms. Each term, there is a fire and evacuation drill, and the process is reviewed regularly. In the event of a fire breaking out on school premises, the following action must be taken:
Upon discovering a fire, the teacher (or adult) must immediately sound the fire alarm.
All students and staff should walk quickly and quietly to the assembly point. Upon hearing the fire alarm, all other employees and visitors to the school should immediately walk to the Assembly Point. If in a classroom, all windows must be closed. All bags and personal belongings should be left in the classroom.
When the students have moved to the Assembly Point, each teacher will check their class list and report any missing persons or confirm that all are present. When the teacher raises the register in the air, this indicates all persons are present.
All staff members will ensure that the children are silent at the assembly point and await further instructions from the Head of School (or the most senior teacher) at the assembly point.
Subject teachers are responsible for escorting their immediate learners to the Assembly Point. They will then hand over responsibility for the primary learners to their Homeroom teachers.
No persons are permitted to re-enter the building until the all-clear is given by the Head of School (or the most senior teacher on-site).
Security Guards
The school employs a highly reputable security company, providing 24-hour security protection for RGS Vietnam. The security guards also provide traffic control for the school.
Please be reminded that safety procedures exist at the school for the safety of all students. Security Guards are unable to exercise flexibility on this, and so any failure to adhere to the procedures could result in a parent refused access to the school premises.
No vehicles are granted access to the school grounds.
The School maintains a smoking-free, alcohol-free and drug-free environment. The possession, consumption, or sale of alcoholic beverages and illegal drugs is strictly prohibited on the campus.
Therefore, the following are not strictly permitted.
To use or be involved with the use or distribution of alcohol, tobacco, or illegal drugs at any school-supported activity both on or off-campus.
To use, possess or distribute drugs for non-medicinal purposes.
If a student breaches the above, a recommendation will be made for expulsion.