Health Services
One of the core aims at RGS Vietnam is to provide a caring environment for all our students. We also appreciate that people learn most effectively when they are happy and healthy. To ensure this, RGS Vietnam features a Health Centre staffed by fully qualified nurses.
Our Health Centre mission is to:
- provide prompt and effective first aid in a caring environment
- inform a student’s teacher if he or she is judged to be unfit to continue in class as well as contact the parent if the student needs to be taken home or see a medical practitioner
- maintain student health records and details of all accidents
- raise awareness of the importance of hygiene and health management
Health Advice – What should you do when your child is unwell?
If your child is ill with a contagious illness or has a high fever we would appreciate it if you would inform the school office via email or phone. This will help us to monitor any outbreaks of similar illnesses and allow us to prevent them from spreading.
In the event of a serious emergency, the nurse can be summoned to attend to a sick or injured child in any area of the school. The School strongly requests that students with temperatures above 37.8 Celsius or who are unwell should not be sent to school. Those found to be ill will be sent to the Health Centre and the nurse will contact a parent asking them to collect their child as soon as possible.We are grateful to parents for their cooperation with this policy, which has been implemented in the best interest of the entire School.Parents with a child on prescribed medication, to be taken during the day, can pre-arrange for the nurse to administer a prescribed dose to their child at a specified time. Students may not self-administer prescription medication at School. It’s also crucial that you provide an up-to-date record of any health conditions (such as allergies) that your child suffers from so we can best ensure their safety and health within the school.