Year 12 Camp to Da Bia
As the Year 12’s started their journey into the DP they were lucky enough to get their first camp of the programme last week in Da Bia on the Hoa Binh Reservoir. The students learnt about the history of the area from the people of the village and how Volunteers from “Action on Poverty”, a world wide charitable organisation, has been working with the people of the village to create income generation from tourism.
The first day, we left school by bus before boarding a boat to take us through to Da Bia. After lunch the students split into three groups led by Mr Manrik, Ms Liz and Ms Binh. The groups were involved in Hiking through the jungle, cycling along the side of the lake and kayaking on the lake. All students had a great time, overcame challenges by being risk takers and built relationships.
That night it rained, this meant that some changes were needed to the activities for the second day, the jungle hike had to be replaced with a hike along the side of the lake, the cycling also became a hike, but the kayakers still got to go out onto the lake. All the students adapted well to the changes and showed ability to rise to changing situations. In the afternoon their communication and teamwork skills were put to the test as the students built different water treatment and catching techniques. After dinner, the students were treated to a local performance and showed their appreciation by puting on a small concert of their own.
Day 3, once again the students broke into three groups and participated in the same activities as day 1, hiking, cycling and kayaking. Once we were all on board the boat lunch was served as we sailed back to the bus.
Overall the students really enjoyed their time in Da Bia. They were able to overcome the challenges they faced, and I am sure they have learnt from the experience.