Year 10 Camp at Cat Ba
Year 10 had a wonderful time exploring Cat Ba and the surrounding islands by land and sea, on foot and on wheels, taking time away from technology and immersing themselves in our natural world. Students learned about the human impact on our planet, as well as participating in exciting and challenging activities.
Despite a few rainy moments they did not let this dampen the mood. After arriving by boat to Cat Ba the pupils worked together to clean one of the many beaches in the area, and followed this with cycling from the harbour to Viet Hai Village. The group attempted a late-afternoon hike once arriving at the village, but low light prevented us from doing the full circuit. After dinner and a few fish massages, the group wound down with the World Cup games in the evening.
The following day, after another cycling excursion we took the boat out, went both rock climbing and kayaking, with lunch in-between. Students showed tremendous courage and perseverance in climbing, with some reaching up to 30 metres high on the cliffside and all students enjoyed getting a bit wet playing games in the kayaks. Afterwards, we visited Cat Ba Town and finished off with another wonderful meal, a trip to the night market and more World Cup action. There was also time to squeeze in a trip to the beach for frisbee and football before making the sleepy journey back to Hanoi
Overall, this was a great trip for the group and all involved. Many thanks to the students, parents, teachers and the Learning Project staff who made this happen!