Facebook page on how to deal with Covid-19
Our CAS student, Vikramaaditya MATHUR - Grade 12, has created a Facebook page on how to deal with Covid-19.
As part of the IB Diploma, students are required to undertake the CAS (Creativity-Activity-Service) Programme. CAS is part of the core of the IB DP with EE and TOK.
The Service side of the CAS Programme is roughly aimed at helping and contributing to the local/global community. It is difficult to put in practice at the moment because of the Covid-19 and after a meeting with Vik, we decided he could improve his Service by designing an information page on Covid-19 and share it on social media. It was a great idea since Vik is very tech-savvy and has worked a lot in design.
Follow his page for updated information about Covid-19: https://www.facebook.com/Dealing-with-Covid-19-112215270426968/